People who want to cause behavior know that the way to significantly increase the chances of causing that is to integrate required accountability. At work, for example, the monthly report isn’t due “whenever” and just keep it on file, it’s due on or before a certain date and submit it to a certain manger.
Marketers create accountability to others by introducing opportunities to:
- Track and share athletic performance (like the Jawbone)
- Redeem by a certain date
- Earn points for verified purchases
Once you commit to someone outside of yourself, it seems to become more real. The external stimuli will raise your game and improve the chances of you completing something.
When you’re just playing in your own field, on your own schedule, it all mostly stays in your head – and you can change the game and due dates any time you want.
If you have a personal goal, a way to raise your game is to get someone to be accountable to – to commit to projects and due dates. It will enliven the game and your projects will have as much relevance as the games others create for you.